Monday, March 21, 2011

Saving Money Staying Healthy

Lately I have been receiving emails about ways to save money in a lowered economy while still maintaining good health.  Below are my suggestions.

1.  Coupons & Grocery Deals.
The best way to coupon is to first collect coupons over time (at least a few weeks out) both printable & through your local paper.  Then watch the ads for sales. Using a coupon on top of the ad can save you significant amount of money. Also don't be afraid to shop at more than one store.  We have 4 grocery stores we get various items at based on what is on sale.  Also many of the stores offer discounts of $.05 to $.10 for each reusable bag you use each grocery trip.  Many grocery stores also have double coupon days saving you additional money.  Here are some websites for printable coupons:

Organic Coupons:
Whole Foods
Mambo Spouts
Earths Best
Organic Valley
Simply Organic
Stonyfield Organic

Other generic/ coupons:
Coupons. com
Smartchoice coupons

Fruit & Veggie Coop:
This tends to save money on fresh fruits and veggies.  You may also be able to find good prices at a Farmers Market.  Here is the one we use:

Save on bottled water & cleaners:
The best deal I found was to invest on a water pitcher by Shaklee. This pitcher removes every chemical & toxin possible.  It out performs many of the commercial pitchers like Brita & PUR.  Also Shaklee offers superconcentrated cleaners that will save you hundreds of dollars on cleaning supplies. They also have nutritional supplements, personal care items, and weight loss.
Check them out here:

2.  Invest in rebates.
sign up for rebate programs, like CVS regards or Kroger.  Both have their own set of coupons plus additional deals.  The check the websites & ads for deals to use your rebates on.

3. Reward Credit & Debit Cards.
The best ways to save money is to cut back on eating out and move your regular bills- phone, cable, cell phone, electric, gas, and groceries to a rewards debit or credit card.  Most of these programs allow you to receive reward points for gift cards for clothing, food, hotel, and air miles.  This is the best way to receive more money for leisure activities or eat out opportunities on a budget.

4.  Clothing.
Shop the sales & clearances.  Also check out second hand.  One very good second hand chain is Plato's Closet. 
You can both buy & sell clothes here.  Like many other resale shops you can sell & buy clothing. 

5. Giving to charities.
Giving money, clothing, and other items can provide you with additional tax write-offs come time for taxes.  This provides you with the opportunity to give back to your community and to receive something back at the end of the year.  Common places to give items is your local Salvation Army and Goodwill.

6. Start your own Home Business.
The best way to have additional tax write-offs is to start your own home business.  We choose Shaklee because for us it works best with what we are interested in--helping others, nutrition, and best payment program.  Starting a home business you can write off a portion of your mortgage/rent, cable/internet, cell phone/or landline, any website you have, miles you travel for your business, and more.  The government encourages this and the kick back is amazing.  For more information on this contact me. 

We hope that this information on saving money and staying healthy has been helpful.  Please feel free to contact us regarding any additional information:  Have a wonderful day!