Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where to get the meat & save money?

Not everyone has the ability to raise chickens, goats, and other small farm animals.  But it is significantly cheaper to buy their meat in large quantities. Local meats not only help us be healthier, but it also helps us save money and helps our communities.  Also by purchasing whole or half animals you can use the entire animal for meat (to eat) and bones & skin for soup stock (later blog will be on preserving).  Joining as local CSA (community supported agriculture) gives you the option of getting local meats in bulk for the best prices.  If you are outside of Southeast Michigan, here is a website you may want to check out for local CSA's:  If you live in Southeast Michigan here are some options: Old Pine Farm, Family Farms Coop, and Needle Lane Farms.

Stay tuned to canning meats, fruits, and veggies.